Friday, May 13, 2016

May Lake Cleaning

Lately, the weather has finally begun to get warmer and in the past week when we took a walk around the lake. However, we were surprised to find that it had been cleaned extremely throughly! While there used to be many bushes surrounding the edge of the lake, the bushes had been removed and we hardly found any trash around the perimeter. This means that people have been taking care of the environment in our neighborhood. Trimming and removing the bushes makes it easier to see the edges of the lake and clean up trash. It is good to know there are other people making care of of the neighborhood, but we still found a small plastic bag of trash that must have been littered recently. We  will continue to clean our environment and we plan to make more trips around the lake over the summer to see how much trash we can find! Here are some pictures of the lake after it was cleaned and one of the trash we found.